Languages of the World
KENAX Africa Translation Service
Country where the Tocharian language is spoken.

Canadians in Africa

This website was created by a Canadian for Canadians to create a platform where Canadians in Africa can network and meet. I myself have started an Africa charity project whereby I hope to provide remote African villages with a solar panel, laptop, and the know-how to find work through the internet. Not only do I foresee the internet revolution hitting Africa within the next ten years, but I expect that global warming and climate change could make things particularly difficult for this continent, which may find it increasingly difficult to feed itself through its traditional means. For this reason I would like to help it make the leap earlier so that Africans will have the means to earn a living in other ways if times were to get tough.
Like my sister wrote:

I'm listening to the Vinyl Cafe (you remember, the radio show on CBC, you said he sounded like a Pastor), they're doing "letters home" - Canadians working and living abroad. I am AMAZED how many are in Africa!
I thought they would be mostly in Europe or Asia, you know, where the money is, or in English speaking places like Australia or NZ. But they are all over Africa: teachers, technicians, professionals, etc. Young people, people with their families.
Maybe you could organize some kind of social network in prep of going there? Some of them have been there for a while, but they're all over the continent. They must have computers & at least some internet because they get CBC.
They are all starved for anything Canadian! Maybe you could set up a wee website for them to interact?

I've created a Canadians in Africa forum [coming soon] where you can interact. I think that Canadians are generally charitable, nice and friendly people, and that they must be doing a lot of good in Africa. By networking my hope is we can accomplish more. Not to mention it would be nice to hook up for a beer!

 Some Canadians in Africa links:

Africa Charity Project |  Donate | Contact |  Africa Link Exchange