2 Bailey Close
Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate
Ipswich IP2 0UD
Tel: 01473 210220 Fax: 01473 210293
Email: [email protected] Web: www.twam.co.uk
Friday, 09 November 2012
Dear supporters,
Albert Kahai,
I am the vice-chair of Tools With a Mission and I also have the privilege of acting as
Co-coordinator for Tanzania. Albert has asked me to contact you to provide a reference.
I have known Albert for 5 years and I had the pleasure of meeting him personally when visiting his project (the Hurumia Watoto Centre) 2 years ago when I visited Tanzania. I can confirm that Albert is entirely reliable and has a deep concern for those of his fellow country men and women who find themselves in reduced circumstances. I am sure that should you decide to accept his application for support in the construction of the additional classrooms at his school, you will have no reason to regret your decision.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any more information.
Yours truly,
David Ginns.
Rregistered Office: 2 Bailey Close Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate Ipswich IP2 0UD
Charity No: 1104903 Company No: 5114575